Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Family Update

The big family news is that Tommy and Kelly have brought a gorgeous baby into the world. Baby Amanda is Mom's new excitement and source of energy. Although she credits her card games with the ladies as another great source.

She reports that she is doing fine. Chemo is over and she is awaiting the start of radiation, which should start around the first of June.

She is tired.

The last chemo really drained her and she claims she doesn't have her strength back yet.

"By 3 PM, I'm usually in my favorite chair reading or napping. I had a CT scan of my lungs last week. There is a small 1cm shadow, which was there in Jan. The other two spots, noticed when I was hospitalized, are gone. So I am scheduled for another PET? scan next week."

She promises that once she gets the results of her radiation schedule, she will update her blog.

And she can't stop talking about a Maya Angelou reading she recently attended.

"I went with new friends and old friends. It was very inspiring."

She said something about clouds. If you want to get her talking, ask her about her clouds.
I'm beginning to think I might want cancer. Blogs dedicated to my recovery. Card games thrown in my favor. A loving and adoring husband that waits on me hand a foot. Yeah, Mom is doing it in style.
But then, she always does. Doesn't she?

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