Tuesday, May 02, 2006

All the news that is fit to print...

Dear Family,

Hope all is well. This is a short note with current update.

Saw the Oncologist today. My white cells, red cells and platelets are back to normal. I do not have to postpone my next and LAST chemo on Monday the 8th. I feel good.

I've been walking as much as possible. Hope to play cards with Jane and Carolyn tomorrow.
Mike is still looking at boats and enjoying the process. He went to Victoria and Sydney yesterday by ferry to see one in B.C. On the way home, he stopped at the BC museum and bought me a beautiful blue stone and mineral necklace. It worked. I gave him permission to get a bigger boat!

Talked to Joe's fiancee, Jenn. She will be joining Joe at Pendleton in early June. They will have a civil ceremony on or about June 10th. Her parents and Dad and I will be there. Joe is enjoying setting up their new apartment. They hope to have a church wedding early next year.

Katryn will be camping in Hawaii in early June. Ingrid is working in DC. She should be returning to NYC soon. We have been having a great time tracking her exploits via her blog.

Maiken is busy and fine. She recently appeared in an off-off Broadway play that got rave reviews. Especially from her sister.

We hope for a visit from Kirsten this summer. She managed to get out to DC to meet Joes's fiancee and have lunch with Ingrid.

This Sunday, Kaitlyn makes her first communion. Georg and Joe will represent us. Jared's hockey team won the regional championship and Jared is one of their MVP.

I'll be fitted with an arm sleeve next week to wear when I'm flying. It keeps down the swelling in my arm with lympodema. I plan to fly to San Diego for Joe and Jenn's vows and to NJ for brother, Mike's wedding.

I send my love to each and everyone.


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