Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A letter from mom...

Ten days ago was my 4th Chemo.

I am over the halfway point. My good friends, Ann Bailey and Carolyn Modarelli Adams accompanied me . The weekend before, we and our husbands went to the dueling piano bars, “Chopsticks”. We, women, had a great time. Our elderly husbands are claiming eardrum damage! Fortunately, we still had plenty to talk about during treatment. I brought cards and we played a new game.

Time passed quickly.

They took me to a late birthday lunch at “Stanley & Seaforts”. We still had plenty of things to talk about... the advantage of husbands and kids.

Carolyn had made up a special “Harper’s Bazaar”, which featured the 3 of us in our black cowboy hats in wonderfully sexy poses and clothes. I will bring it to the next luncheon of the ladies. The magazine has a permanent spot on my coffee table.

I have many brave friends who go to chemo by themselves and have no doubt, I could do the same. Having my friends accompany me has made a difficult day fun. When I look back on the past 4 visits, it is not what they have done to me or what news and treatments they have discussed, It is always the memories of my good spirited friends, that I take away with me.

Thank you, all!

Definite patterns are developing in my routines. The 3 days following chemo, I am on heavy doses and shots of drugs. Except for the first session, the side effects are under control. However, last week, I was very fatigued by the weekend, more so than previous treatments. Also by the 2nd week, my white blood cell count was very low and I was susceptible to germs, virus,etc. I was warned to stay away from anybody sick and avoid crowds. They give me a shot following treatment to increase new white blood cells but it apparently doesn’t kick in for a week. By the time of my next session, it should be in the normal stage.

Last week, I also got swelling all over my body and especially in my left arm, where they took out 19 nodes. We were worried that Lymphadema had started. (Something, I had been warned about, that could occur at any time in my future.) So...I was sent into the hospital for another MUGGA test to see if my heart has been affected by my dosages. I haven’t heard the results, which were due 2 days ago, so I assume “no news is good news”.

Every Thursday, I go to physical therapy, where the therapist works on my arms and scar tissue to break it up. That can often be painful. She keeps me talking to distract me from what she is doing. ...again husband and children provide lots to talk about...

Mike and I saw “Wonderful Town” and “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Robe” in the past weeks. Both were fun and entertaining. They were in Seattle so we made a day of both productions. Chico stock goes up on the days I’m in the big city. We’ve also driven to Bellingham to look at boats. I think we’re in the boat buying mood again. It would be nice for Mike to have a hobby other than me!

Since we are rather confined to the immediate area, a boat would be a good diversion to our regular Dr. visits.I’m trying to walk daily if weather permits. I’ve found some friends who have come over to play cards once a week and I read a lot.

Joe and Georg will be home next week and liven things up on the homefront. The pace is slow but LIFE is good.

Thanks for checking up on me.----Susie.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susie,
Thank you for the latest news! I am so glad you have so much support. Keep posting those updates!
Ciao bella

Anonymous said...

Hi Susie,
You are lucky to have such a good group of friends and plenty of diversion. Have you tried doing Suduko Puzzles? That may be another diversion. Thank you for the update and let me know about the MUGGA test once you get the result.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to hear that you have such good friends to make your chemo days enjoyable. As always for the SJB crowd, food is a nice reward and going to lunch seems to always make things better.
Have a great time with the twins!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Susie:

You sound like the same fun dame we've come to expect at all Ford events. How proud Mary Ford must be! I'm glad your spirits have not been dampened. You will no doubt beat this thing handily and continue to astound us all with your courage and tenacity. Our family has unfortunately seen too much of this disease but we are encouraged and heartened by the dignified and truly positive way you have been sharing your struggle with us. I have every confidence that you will be dancing up a storm at the next family wedding.

I have been thinking about you often; but no more so than yesterday after my ultrasound when I found out I am having TWINS! You know that commercial with the guy riding his lawnmower, talking about his new car and house and then he says "how do I do it?" and goes through the litany of debts with a big smile on his face until he gets to the end and says, "somebody help me!". That's how I feel right now.

So any sage advice from my experienced, "trooper" aunt?


PS - "Wonderful Town" is one of my favorites. On my list of must do shows one day.