Wednesday, February 15, 2006

This just in...

Spoke with Mom and Dad today and they report that all went well yesterday at the doctor.

Mom was able to regulate her blood cell count without medication (I messed up the low/high before).

There was more, but it is all very complicated and only someone like Dad could remember all those details.

Suffice to say, Mom is doing well. She's walking lots, has plenty of friends dropping in on her and has not killed Dad yet.

Send me your Susie Sighting to report and I will be sure to update the fans.

And Mom, in case Dad forgets to tell you, I called today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know that the cell blood count it's normal again. Hey Susie I'm going to mess up w/ my tour schedule of the whole year to be w/ you and Mike in October in the Sicily South of Italy tour. You better show up :)

